Thursday 1 June 2017

Nelson Mandela

turning point

  • In 1944  helped found the ANC Youth League, whose Programme of Action was adopted by the ANC in 1949

  • was instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action such as the 1952 Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage

  •  had to resign from the ANC and work underground.

  • 1962 had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison. 


  •  was as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa on.

  • In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded Nobel Prize.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Fred Hollows

1929-   born in New Zealand

1980-   extended his campaign for treating avoidable eye disease and he   was soon travelling all over the world.

1989- was diagnosed with cancer 

1992-  worked was established.

1993- died

Don Brady

1927 -   born in Palm Island Settlement, North Queensland.

 1949- graduated from Training College of the Aborigines Inland Mission of Australia.

1952- married a fellow missionary, Aileen Muriel Willis, at the AIM Church, Cherbourg, Queensland.

1962-   moved to Brisbane.

1964- began work as a lay pastor .

1965-  expanded his ministry to include the Christian Community Centre.

1968- was awarded a Churchill fellowship Award

1970- helped indigenous people to establish their own identity and to preserve their culture.

 1970- was elected founding vice-president of the Aboriginal Publications Foundation

1970-    12 April he led a silent street march to mourn the loss of Aborigines who died in defence of their country.

 1971-  Brady participated in a street march protesting against a bill before the Queensland parliament that extended governmental control of tribal and reserve councils.

1972-  He   arrested with Denis Walker   and charged with assaulting police. Using the media to highlight inequities in housing and employment opportunities, he inspired other Aboriginal people to join the battle for social justice.

 1984-  died of pneumonia complicating hypertensive cerebrovascular disease in South Brisbane.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

A green world

 Recycling things is a natural process that happen in our daily live.We know that the paper is made of the trees.To save the trees and the nature , the governments invented  anew technology .This technology is based on recycling things ,in this technique we can converting waste material in to new material . There is so many ways that learn us how to help the government recycling things,and this ways lead us to create healthy environment and live in a green world.

Kyoto protocol

I think that Kyoto protocol is very important agreement between more than 150 countries .This protocol try to give the hole world one of the best way to maintain the life on the earth.The most important thing which discuss in this protocol is how to keep the global worming in the lower level .In my opinion that based on this article  this can be happen by reducing the greenhouse gas emission. Oslo i think the duty of the countries is to encourage the scientist  to finding the ways that prevent greenhouse emission that do not hurt the economy all over the world , in addition i think when the climate change to be better this give the chance to the nature to handle itself.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Solar taxi

The future of clean transport is the solar taxi ,this is the most important thing maintaining our life safety because it can be healthier  than the other transport.This technology was invented by a Swiss engineer ,and it will create a revolution in the world technology.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

 this graph show that the number of European immigration is decries in 2002 compare to 1992 on the other hand it notice the important increase in number of immigrants  from Oceania and Africa. in general the number of immigration in 2002 was decries compare with 1992.