Don Brady
1927 - born in Palm Island Settlement, North Queensland.
1949- graduated from Training College of the Aborigines Inland Mission of Australia.
1952- married a fellow missionary, Aileen Muriel Willis, at the AIM Church, Cherbourg, Queensland.
1962- moved to Brisbane.
1964- began work as a lay pastor .
1965- expanded his ministry to include the Christian Community Centre.
1968- was awarded a Churchill fellowship Award
1970- helped indigenous people to establish their own identity and to preserve their culture.
1970- was elected founding vice-president of the Aboriginal Publications Foundation
1970- 12 April he led a silent street march to mourn the loss of Aborigines who died in defence of their country.
1971- Brady participated in a street march protesting against a bill before the Queensland parliament that extended governmental control of tribal and reserve councils.
1972- He arrested with Denis Walker and charged with assaulting police. Using the media to highlight inequities in housing and employment opportunities, he inspired other Aboriginal people to join the battle for social justice.
1984- died of pneumonia complicating hypertensive cerebrovascular disease in South Brisbane.